September 10, 2015

Back to School - 3 Tips to Find the Perfect Trainer

Ahh! Autumn is on it’s way to New England and the kids are headed back to school. September is also a great time to think about taking your dog to school as well. Having a well trained dog is important and attending obedience classes not only has a big impact […]
July 17, 2014

Let’s go swimming! Everything you wanted to know about the K-9 Float Coat!

For dogs that love to join their humans rafting, kayaking, boating, surfing and paddle boarding, the K-9 Float Coat is an essential piece of equipment. What started as a desire to create a product that a dog could not slip out of, has turned in to a well-refined canine flotation […]
May 7, 2014

Our Favorite Local Walking Trails

A tired dog is a happy dog, and happy dogs like to run and roam! But I take my dog for a walk every night around the block. The block is boring! Take your dog some place different. Get out – really out – and enjoy some of the local […]
April 10, 2014

A Dog Day at the Beach

Warmer weather is coming and that means it’s time for you and you’re pup to get outside! There are few things more satisfying than seeing your canine friend run in the sand and fetch a stick or two from the surf. Plus, the ocean breeze will be good for you […]